European manufacturer of thermal receipt and ticket printers »

  • KTP
  • PTD55 barrera parking
  • EPC1800 para medicina

High perfomance industrial electronic solutions

Fenix printers
Dispensers & Validators
Fenix TFT Monitors
PC Box Fénix
LCD Fénix
Fenix Interface Boards

Cost effective components and efficient service

We produce our products locally, which offers a great flexibility. This allows us to offer customized products for each customers’ specifications, the possibility of manufacturing short series and to keep short lead-times. Values that are vital to cover the needs of Companies, nowadays.

Our printers, devices and components for electronic products withstand high workload and respond with a great reliability under heavy-duty requirements, reducing incidences and maintenance of customer’s products.

We offer a complete product portfolio of solutions to cover most of your needs, especially for markets such as: Parking, Kiosk, Bus Ticketing, Weighing Sacles, Instrumentation and others. Moreover, our engineering team offers all the support you may require during the integration of our products, as well as post sales.

We are present in the most demanding industrial sectors

Aplicación Parquimetro

Parking meter


Parking facilities and underground

Terminal desatendido

Unattended terminals